News & Upcoming events at St Mary The Boltons

Wednesday 5 February

10 - 11.30am Friendsday Wednesday baby group

Friday 7 February

10am - 1pm Second Half Club

Sunday 9 February

8am Holy Communion (BCP)

10.30am Parish Eucharist

Wednesday 12 February

11am Silent Prayer

Friday 14 February

10am - 1pm Second Half Club

Sunday 16 February

8am Holy Communion (BCP)

10.30am Parish Eucharist

Weekday services (Monday – Friday)

8.30am Morning Prayer

5.30pm Evening Prayer

All are welcome to join in. Download the CofE’s Daily Prayer App or use the link in the Church of England Website

11am (Second Wednesday of the month) Silent Prayer

 Sunday Services

8am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)

10.30am Sung Holy Eucharist

During term time there is a cantor or choir. Coffee and refreshments are served each week.

Sunday School takes place in the hall on the first and third Sunday of the month, in term time.


The church is open daily for visitors or private prayer

8am – 6pm on weekdays

8.30am – 5pm on Saturdays and

8am – 12.30pm on Sundays

Our quiet garden is open daily to the public.

If you would like to receive our weekly email which details services and news for the week, please email and you will be added to the circulation list.